TextMilling is used to create text signs and engravings with different fonts and appearances. The main area of application is to
create NC programs (G code) for milling centers and other types of industrial machines. It was developed with the CNC industry
in mind but the simple user interface also makes it suitable for hobby level.
The given text will be placed in the desired location, where it can be flipped, put on a bow with the desired angle and size.
When satisfied with the result , you can choose to create an NC program that is directly transferable to the CNC-machine or a DXF
file that can be read into CAD/CAM for further processing.
TextMilling includes post processors for the most common control systems. Our post processors can be opened and edited
with a standard text editor. If you are not satisfied with
the post processors that are included, please send us an email. We have developed a variety of post processors for different customers
specific needs, including engraving in lathe with driven tools. Postprocessors for Fanuc, Heidenhain, Siemens, Haas and GRBL are included
in standard install.
Text Milling supports True Type Font (TTF) and Open Type Font (OTF), which is the standard font format for Windows and most other
operating systems. We have also included lots of fonts specially adapted for engraving. Several of these are of the "single line"
type, which makes them ideal for engraving article numbers etc.
As soon as you have installed the font in Windows, it is available in Text Milling. The
fonts do not have to contain only letters. It is common for fonts to contain symbols,
geometric shapes or as the picture shows, different car and motorcycle brands.
CNC Parameters
When creating a text , it is possible to make a number of processing parameters
such as tool number , contour depth, feeding etc. . These settings can be
specified for each item. This means that it is possible to specify different
depths or feeds for different items.